Deadly Asbestos: the story goes on
/The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries has fined two asbestos removal companies $379,100 for failing to remove asbestos from a demolition site in Seattle. The recipients of the fines are Partners Construction of Bonney Lake and Asbestos Construction Management of Federal Way. The material left behind consisted largely of asbestos based “popcorn” ceiling. This type of news report reminds us as to just how dangerous asbestos can be. Even asbestos found outdoors and not in a confined space is an alarming event, as evidenced by Australian officials concerns when a contracted mower accidentally mowed over illegally dumped asbestos. Any disturbance of asbestos fibers emits airborne carcinogens, which if breathed can result in deadly cancer and other asbestos related diseases. If you have popcorn ceiling or suspect asbestos anywhere in your home or office, you’ll definitely want to hire a professional to give you an assessment. Unfortunately, the asbestos story continues.